SOLS: 2013:21 Quiet

sols_6Susan Cain has a New York Times Bestseller on her hands: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. It has been a fascinating read journey and I still have a ways to go.  As soon as I read the last word on the page I know I will have to go back and dig in to absorb the ideas…based on solid research and observations. Of course, answered questions lead to new questions.

Extroversion became the cultural ideal beginning in the early 1900s although it has always been in our DNA according to many psychologists. It is suggested that collaboration can kill creativity. Louder voices are heard even if they might NOT be shouting the best ideas. Some companies such as Microsoft have created working spaces to allow people to have “chance” encounters to share ideas in a low key environment. But they also have created work spaces where introverts can work alone in their own decorated space away from others. I thought about our classrooms and Common Core. There is a lot of emphasis on group work and collaboration. Do our classrooms offer space for students to share ideas but also offer space for independent alone work? Another big idea was the findings on the “reward” system of the brain. This section of the book gave me new insights on rewards that we use in schools.

I have a greater understanding of myself and those around me but I’m just scratching the surface. Great insightful read! Link for Susan Cain’s Ted Talk:


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3 Responses to SOLS: 2013:21 Quiet

  1. elsie says:

    I see what you mean about going back and rereading. Just the bit you wrote about had me rereading. Sounds interesting.

  2. mrssurridge says:

    I saw Susan Cain’s Ted Talk and have the book on my wish list. Now I have a recommendation for it. Thanks!

  3. Ruth Ayres says:

    I’m so intrigued by this book. I’m glad you posted a little about it.

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